Cohort is a code framework that helps artists and activists use smartphones to run interesting events for groups of people. The project is administered by adelheid dance projects.
An indoor+outdoor full-length contemporary dance work by adelheid dance projects
An immersive, participatory theatre work created by bluemouth inc.
A fully-accessible live multiplayer dance game created by Peggy Baker Dance
A multi-city 'pod-play' where audiences hear real-life stories while being guided
around a city. Created by It's Not a Box Theatre
A parkour-inspired immersive heist story created by Jacob Niedzwiecki.
Cohort is maintained by Jacob Niedzwiecki . It consists of a Node+Express server and client packages for iOS (ObjC & Swift), web (JS), and Unity (C#). Sound, video, and AR content can be cued on clients from QLab or the Cohort web platform. Features currently under development include push notifications, geolocation, and VR/360 video.
If you're a technical / code-writing person, there are links to our repositories below. Otherwise, write us at cohortrocks [at] gmail [dot] com and tell us a bit about your project, or reach out to Jacob on Twitter!